The History ...

     Hebdomas started its activities during the last decade of the past century, foreseeing the practical need that would one day make wrist watches one of the most important sector of the watch industry.


     Obtaining a long running capacity for watches was the goal of several watch-makers. It was through this challenge, which they conquered, that Hebdomas started its production in La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland).

     The craftmanship of the Swiss watch-makers in La Chaux-de-Fonds is world renowned;  this small village situated near to the French border, is also the birth-place of many famous Swiss brands.

     The work of these watch-maker has been re-discovered by a large public and connoisseurs  who appreciate the good craftsmanship and models that time has preserved.

     Since 1888, all Hebdomas watches have been entirely manufactured by hand, piece by piece. The Hebdomas high standard of quality is rooted in the experience of its highly skilled watch-maker and also in the remembrance of ancient customs linked to the ‘’cycle of seven’’, which is the key number that made it famous throughout the world.

     The name Hebdomas recalls the festivities of Ebdomee, held in Sparta, Croton and Mileto, which celebrated the birth of Apollo on the seventh day of the month. Sung by poets in ancient Lesbos , such festivities were dedicated to Dionisio, holding many superstitious rituals and beliefs which were linked to the seventh day of the month.

A century of tradition helped spread Hebdomas’ reputation and appreciation throughout the world. These famous time-pieces have been awarded sever al gold medals and distinctions.


      The success of the Hebdomas watches in the 1900s was unbelievable, and several unique pieces are still to be found in private collections all over the world. Particular care has always been taken in the manufactureing of Hebdomas: each element is meticulously selected and tested, even down to the beautiful,

ornate , enamel dials.

      These 8 day time-pieces are still capable of bringing back a certain nostalgy of olden times, and even , through modern technological improvements have been made, nothing has changed from the original concept and design.


        Hebdomas has always kept its creative spirit, and now gives a new start to other mechanical projects, such as an enterprising collaboration with Mr. Vincent Calabrese, the master watch-maker of international reputation, who received a gold medal in 1977 at the inventors exhibition in Geneva. In April 1990, when his latest invention "BALADIN" was presented at the same exhibition, a jury awarded him a prize for it's originality and unprecedented conception.

        Even today HEBDOMAS still offers quality, style and unique products to watch buyers all around the world. We hope you'll share the pleasure of owning these superb time-pieces and present them with pride.

Dated about 1905

Dated about 1910

Dated about 1940

Dated about 1930 complication day date

HEBDOMAS was the inventor of the visible wheel

Clock dated 1910

Engraving of 1910 clock. Grazely and Mr Shild were the industrial founder of the factory with 1000 worker



From 1965 forward , all  dials have same flower emblem